POWERINGCITIZENS is a project funded by the European Commission through Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV), focused on promoting clean energy and ensuring a just and inclusive transition. It aims to empower energy-poor citizens through community actions and support.
Specific project objectives:
- Create a Guide on Energy Empowerment that explains different models for empowering citizens in energy matters.
- Organize events for experts, young people, and disadvantaged groups, such as the elderly, women, and people with disabilities, particularly those from small or remote areas.
- Involve communities in assessing energy poverty levels in households within small cities and remote areas of each participating country.
POWERINGCITIZENS project is implemented by Balkan Green Foundation, Comparative Research Network EV, Marche Polytechnic University, INZEB Institute of Zero Energy Buildings, Stichting European Center for Researching, Education and Consulting, and the Environmental & Territorial Management Institute.
Green Horizons: Community Engagement through Advancing Sustainable Energy
The project aims to enhance transparency in the energy sector, foster collaboration among youth, raise awareness about Green Agenda, and emphasize the importance of energy through storytelling by experts, professors, and business figures.
Key Activities:
- Advocating for the Green Agenda implementation and promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency measures through monitoring, analysis, and hub initiatives.
- Facilitating regional cooperation and knowledge exchange on green energy initiatives through youth camps in Western Balkans countries.
- Conducting green journalism research on environment-friendly initiatives including podcast and op-ed series.
- Undertaking research to identify pressing environmental issues in Kosovo and evaluating institutional reports on the situation.
The project "Green Horizons: Community Engagement through Advancing Sustainable Energy," is part of the broader initiative "Empowering Environmental Civil Society Organizations in Kosovo," project, supported by the Community Development Fund (CDF). It is implemented by the Balkan Green Foundation in partnership with Let’s Do It Peja, Emancipimi Civil Ma Ndryshe, and 7 Arte.
RERURAL - Renew Rural Areas
ReRURAL is a project focused on addressing energy poverty in rural areas of Southeast Europe by highlighting the role of the energy transition and Energy Communities in finding solutions. The primary objective is to enhance the capacities of local, regional, and national institutions, both public and private. The approach involves utilizing tools, workshops, training sessions, and meetings, with a special emphasis on engaging young people in the dialogue.
The project's deliverables include a comprehensive tool, informative reports, and a practical guidebook. These resources are specifically designed to enhance understanding of energy poverty and address the challenges associated with it.
The project is supported by GIZ GmbH within the European Climate Initiative (EUKI), and is implemented by Balkan Green Foundation (Kosovo), SDEWES Centre and City of Đurđevac (Croatia), RDA Green Carst (Slovenia), and LIR Evolution (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Multi-level structural support for improving energy efficiency in buildings in Kosovo and Albania (RenovAID) is a project supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in the framework of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) implemented by WISE Europa in partnership with Balkan Green Foundation, Institute for Development Policy - INDEP, Milieukontakt Albania and Energiaklub Climate Policy Institute.
This 24-month initiative aims to empower public administrations in Kosovo and Albania to establish energy efficiency policies that are not only suitable and practical but also follow EU standards. RenovAID promotes cross-sector collaboration among administrations, businesses, NGOs, and citizens to bolster energy efficiency efforts and enhance knowledge dissemination. Additionally, the project facilitates the expansion of building renovations by equipping local stakeholders with the expertise to establish efficient one-stop shops.
Decarbonization for Climate Resilience
"Decarbonization for Climate Resilience" is supported by SMART Balkans and focuses on the challenges faced by Kosovo in dealing with the impacts of climate change, with special emphasis on those related to security and regional stability. Through this initiative, BGF aims to provide support in policy-making, facilitating dialogue between the main actors, as well as raising citizen awareness of the importance of adaptation and taking measures against the consequences of climate change.
Project Objectives:
The overall objective of the project is to reduce the impact of climate change, especially in key sectors for security and stability in the region through the decarbonization process.
- OS1: Providing support to government institutions for drafting sectoral policies according to EU standards.
- OS2: Providing inclusive platforms for discussion with key actors to influence environmental and climate policies.
- OS3: Raising the level of citizens' awareness of the impact and effect of climate change on regional security and stability.
Energy Transformation and Decarbonisation in the Western Balkans
“Energy Transformation and Decarbonisation in the Western Balkans” is a regional project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Balkan Green Foundation in cooperation with Germanwatch, Belgrade Open School and Eko-Svest.
The project aims to support the Western Balkan countries, in particular Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia, in accelerating their energy transition and decarbonisation. This includes building strong civil society networks in the region that can themselves - in close coordination with academia and the private sector - work together for national and regional reforms.
The project brings together national and local stakeholders from the region to:
- Establish domestic and cross-border civil society dialogue for a socially just energy transition in Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia, that provides the political impetus.
- Ensure that Climate policy proposals by civil society have supported the further development of national and regional energy and climate policy.
Some of the main activities include capacity development for local CSOs in the climate sector; study tours for decision-makers and journalists; monitoring of the local politics in the energy sector; providing recommendations for the national and regional energy transition; and fostering dialogue between all the relevant stakeholders through forums and cross-border discussion events.
Kosovo Green Action
"Kosovo Green Action" project is financially supported by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development through the provision of a Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) Grant and is implemented by Balkan Green Foundation (BGF) in cooperation with Lëvizja FOL (FOL) and Open Data Kosovo (ODK).
The project engages diverse stakeholders in collaborative social accountability on climate and energy-related priorities outlined in the EU-endorsed Green Agenda for the Western Balkans. The project aligns with Green Agenda’s key pillars through activities that improve stakeholders' access to information, good governance, accountability and transparency of government institutions and empowerment of youth, while boosting key climate actions.
Overall objectives
- Development of government capacities to improve data-driven policymaking in line with the Green Agenda.
- Foster collaboration and dialogue between public institutions, CSOs, media and citizens on key Green Agenda issues.
- Engage stakeholders through various mechanisms including an interactive and data-driven digital platform on climate/energy-related issues which facilitates access to information and stakeholder interaction with government entities on climate and energy commitments.
Regional Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs (RISE) - Phase 2
Regional Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs (RISE) Phase 2, is a continuation of the ‘WB6 Lab project’, which intends to open new spaces of reconciliation for the youth of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) through social entrepreneurship. The project is implemented by Balkan Green Foundation in cooperation with the Consortium consisting of GROUPE SOS Pulse, RYCO, SEEYN, and the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO), and supported by the Agence Française de Développement, Erasmus + Programme and Regional Youth Cooperation Office.
The project focuses on the implementation of a regional program of support for social entrepreneurship ideas for young people. The program is composed of an ideation phase and an incubation phase, aiming to enable project leaders to develop innovative solutions to the challenges faced by their communities. This way, it empowers young people to become actors of change within their community(ies) by developing solutions with high social and environmental impact, and confronting them at the regional scale. The program is implemented three times in three cycles called “RISE Journeys”.
Over the RISE project, partners will work together towards the capacity building of 6 local incubators (VET providers). Partners will co-construct several innovative pedagogical tools and materials on social entrepreneurship and on interculturality. Capacity-building activities will be organized to improve the knowledge, technical and pedagogical skills of VET trainers and coaches and enable them to enroll high quality and innovative social entrepreneurship support programs fostering reconciliation and the building of a common future in the region. This, in return, will contribute to a better alignment between VET structures and the emerging social entrepreneurship market in the country. Further by implementing the project throughout all of the Western Balkans, by fostering mobility and by sharing and showcasing the results of the project, the project intends to foster cooperation within the region and strengthen the regional ecosystem.
Balkan Green Ideas
BGI aims to contribute substantially to building a peaceful, competitive, and prosperous region of the Western Balkans, by constantly pursuing regional environmental sustainability, aligning with the new WB Green Agenda, and providing a support program for sustainable green enterprises that will contribute towards a green Balkans and economically sustainable small rural and urban areas in our region.
The objective is to promote the principles and values of sustainable and green policy among young people in matters related to the economic, social, and political development of Western Balkan societies, as well as to connect young green activists and help them to identify potentials within their communities to create green and sustainable youth initiatives and businesses in the Western Balkans and Greece and ultimately contribute to strengthening their role in the vision for sustainable development within the region.
SolarCollab: A Youth-led Energy Transition
The project is funded by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS) and supports a just energy transition at the municipal level in Kosovo by promoting energy democratization and a bottom-up approach.
Specific Objective(s):
- SO1: advocating for reducing barriers to RES, EE investments and prosumerism.
- SO2: encouraging inclusive participation of youth in the green economy through knowledge transfer.
- SO3: encourage green investments at the municipal level in RES and EE
The project includes baseline research on barriers to renewable energy investments, followed by publishing a research study and signing MoUs with the municipality and a university for NGO-government-academia collaboration. Peer-to-peer learning will be facilitated, focusing on solar panel installation, and green investments will be encouraged. An inauguration ceremony will present the study findings and discuss solar energy challenges and opportunities.