06 April 2023
Yesterday, Balkan Green Foundation (BGF) in cooperation with the Municipality of Klina organized the inauguration ceremony dedicated to unveiling smart investments realized within the project 'Green Cross - Towards Green Local Economies with Smart Investments'.
The main objective of the project is to promote sustainable municipal revenue growth by aligning local policies with green economy principles, investing in smart green energy initiatives and increasing resource efficiency to provide clean and sustainable electricity, high quality for the urban and rural population of Klina.
The inauguration ceremony provided a platform for attendees to acknowledge the project's significant achievements and discuss future challenges.
During the 3 years of the project, BGF and the Municipality of Klina have installed:
• Photovoltaic panels 70 kWP in 7 buildings
• Panels for heating water with a capacity of 15 kWT
• 800 LED lights
• 5 efficient boilers
• 15 LED lights for public lighting
In addition to smart investments, other activities already implemented include:
• 2 fairs for the promotion of the natural and cultural values of the area
• 1 action plan (2021-2025) for ecosystem services and smart investments
• 5 cross-border pieces of training for capacity building
• 1 study visit in the south of Albania
• 1 action for cleaning up
The Green Cross project has already achieved tremendous success as a result of smart green energy investments, the promotion of sustainable agriculture and green practices, and local capacity building. This initiative also shows the commitment of the Municipality of Klina to achieving sustainable economic growth while ensuring environmental protection.
The project "Green Cross - Towards local green economies with smart investments" is financed by the Delegation of the European Union in Albania and implemented by the Balkan Green Foundation (BGF) and the Municipality of Klina in Kosovo; EDEN Center and Has Municipality in Albania.